Thank you for visiting our website. You can help support the work and mission of this website by purchasing our books and products below. There are selections here for bible study, mental health journals, prayer journals, and premarital education.
As a lady's class teacher, Tiffany has prepared many lessons and now desires to share those lessons beyond her women's group. Here you will find a collection of bibically centered lessons geared toward women. These lessons can be used alone or in a group study.

ABC's of A Strong Spiritual Life: Volume 1 - A to M
ISBN-13: 978-1730768651
The ABCs of a Strong Spiritual Life was created to help women draw ever closer to their Lord and Creator. This is the first of a two-book study series that looks at basic aspects of our spiritual life and how to help grow it ever stronger.
The ABCs of a Strong Spiritual Life can be used for individual or group study. This book features lessons, worksheets, power verses to memorize, deeper study topics, and daily prayer and journal topics to enforce each lesson.
No matter where you find yourself in your own walk with God, there is always a chance to dig deeper into His Word and walk a little closer to the perfect example of His Son. May Your Journey Be Joyful!
A Companion Journal is also available.

ABC's of A Strong Spiritual Life: Volume 2 - N to Z
ISBN-13: 979-8591495534
The ABCs of a Strong Spiritual Life was created to help women draw ever closer to their Lord and Creator. This is the first of a two-book study series that looks at basic aspects of our spiritual life and how to help grow it ever stronger.
The ABCs of a Strong Spiritual Life can be used for individual or group study. This book features lessons, worksheets, power verses to memorize, deeper study topics, and daily prayer and journal topics to enforce each lesson.
No matter where you find yourself in your own walk with God, there is always a chance to dig deeper into His Word and walk a little closer to the perfect example of His Son. May Your Journey Be Joyful!
A Companion Journal is also available.
Are you curious about the ABCs study series? Before buying, would you like to know more about the lesson set-up, topics, and layout? Sign up below and gain access to a free download of the first chapter of Volume 1: A...Admit Your Weaknesses!
Mental Health Scripture Journals
As a Christian Counselor, Tiffany recognizes the importance of allowing God to work not only in our spiritual lives but all areas of our lives. God gives us all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). These journals are designed to help the reader explore different aspects of their mental health through the truth of God's word. Each book features 31 days of scripture and reflection questions. There is a lesson on the individual topic and a section on scripture-based coping skills. Check back often for more editions and subjects.

Having the Mind of Christ: Seeking God's Help with Anxiety
ISBN-13: 979-8880400522
Anxiety and worry plague our lives. It affects every area of our lives, from relationships, thoughts and even the ability to get a restful night's sleep. How do we deal with our anxious minds? With God's help! God offers peace that the world can't take away. Seeking God's Help with Anxiety looks at examples in scripture to understand why we feel unbalanced anxiety, examples of others who struggled with worry, and how to regain control of our minds. Spend a month in God's word addressing your worry and gain an understanding of where it stems and how to bring it back under control. God the Creator offers the only truth for lasting peace and a quiet mind.

Having the Mind of Christ: Seeking God's Help with Self-Worth
ISBN-13: 979-8332296390
How we view ourselves matters and too often this world pushes us down. Throughout scripture, God has revealed His love for His creation and shows us just how much worth He places on each person. So much worth in fact, that He paid the greatest price ever to redeem us back to Himself: His Only Son Jesus. This edition in the Seeking God’s Help Series looks at finding our self-worth through God. How does God express His love for His people? How does God show that we have value, even when life is hard, and we make mistakes? What can we learn from the examples of others in the Bible about loving ourselves? Spend a month listening to God and letting Him define who you are! This book features a lesson to explore what is meant by self-worth and how that is developed in scripture. There are 31 days of verses and reflection questions to help you explore your own thoughts and ideas that define your view of yourself. The book concludes with a selection of scripture based coping skills and additional activities to assist with improving the beliefs you hold about your own value.
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